A- The river Sile – inland |
This tour follows the inner stretch of the river Sile before entering the lagoon, to be crossed only by boat. Starting in Casier, where the river widens, there is a little port where visitors can rent small vessels, even for just a couple of hours, or sail the large Burci. In the square, visitors can admire a charming clock with its unique exposed gears, that is powered by water. Our tourist guides will then take you to the area’s nature reserves, to Cimitero dei Burci, Torre Carrarese and Casale sul Sile’s parish with its famous fresco by Giandomenico Tiepolo. The area’s flora (marsh fern, swamp sawgrass, white water-crowfoot, black poplar, frogbit, fool’s-water-cress, etc) and fauna (trout, river trout, carp, little grebe, coot, osprey, red avadavat, grayling, duck, swan, Canestrini’s goby, penduline tit, pond turtle, crested newt, water shrew, frog, etc.) are rich and varied. The Sile and some of its tributaries have always been ideal locations for mills because of their perennial stream. As late as the 19th century, there were sixty-one mills in the province of Treviso alone. Currently, none of them use the waters of the river, however, many of them still stand as examples of industrial archaeology. The many Venetian Villas (such as Barbaro-Gabbianelli, Mantovani-Orsetti, Fanio-Cervellini, Valier-Battagia) are evidence of Venetian civilization in the mainland and of great productivity in the age of the Serenissima Republic. |
B - The River Sile in Town |
Il fiume Sile lambisce a Sud il Centro Storico di Treviso e, di conseguenza, le strutture residenziali sostituiscono le oasi naturalistiche: una sequenza continua di case si affaccia sulle sue sponde fino ad arrivare a Ponte Dante, luogo tanto suggestivo da esser citato proprio da Dante nella Divina Commedia (Paradiso, Canto IX): e dove Sile e Cagnan s'accompagna, tal signoreggia e va con la testa alta, che già per lui carpir si fa la ragna. Anche se in questo tratto, il fiume Sile non è navigabile, è possibile effettuare una passeggiata (a pedi o in bicicletta) lungo le sue rive, dal centro città fino alla Restéra, come viene definita l'alzaia che affianca il fiume per quasi tutto il suo corso, fino a Portegrandi. Questo argine in terra battuta un tempo veniva percorso da cavalli e buoi, che trainavano con le funi le barche (chiamate Burci) contro corrente. Fino a tempi relativamente recenti, persone e merci arrivavano da Venezia seguendo il corso del Sile che rappresentava una delle vie maestre della Serenissima verso il nord, la porta verso i mercati della terraferma. Da Venezia si imboccava il Silone, la foce del Sile e si risaliva la via d'acqua ornata da salici, ontani e canneti. Il Sile compie numerose anse fino ad arrivare nei pressi dei grandi edifici dei mulini, come Mulino Mandelli, interessante struttura di archeologia industriale.
C - The River Sile - The Springs |
The Sile, with its nearly 100 km, is the longest resurgent river in Europe. It rises and flows to Casacorba di Vedelago (TV), about 15 km from Treviso. Its springs, locally referred to as “fontanassi”, are especially unique. There, a number of stream pools spring out from the clayey ground that forces the water out. The most famous resurgence pool is the Fontanasso dea Coa Longa, officially considered the spring of the river and marked by a large oak. The entire course is safeguarded by the River Sile Regional Natural Park. The river’s maximum width reaches 40 m and the water temperature has a low fluctuation from winter (+ 11/12°) to summer (+ 14/15°). The Sile was first mentioned by Pliny the Elder (Silis). Its name comes from the Latin word silen, which means silent, a clear reference to the river’s calm waters. Other theories suggest that it probably derives from a pre-Latin term (sila) that means canal, or that it has Indo-European roots (sel), with the meaning of spurting, emerging. April and May are the perfect months to visit the farms that produce the White Asparagus DOC in Badoere, while from October to March, the same farms offer the opportunity to see how the renowned Red Radicchio of Treviso is grown. |